Advisory Board


Dr. Jeff Gero, Ph.D

Dr-GeroDr. Gero is an accomplished, results-oriented consultant, and has been consulting with organizations on stress, downsizing, change management and productivity issues for over 30 years.

Over this time he has been on staff at the University of Hawaii, Antioch University, Southern States University, The Institute of Business Management Entrepreneurship, The Union Graduate School, and the Hughes Institute for Professional Development. He is also a former director of the Health Awareness Institute and the Stress Management Institute of California.

 As a pioneer in the field of stress management, and the creator of the Success Over Stress™ system, Dr. Gero has worked with many organizations and is frequently asked to give keynote addresses on managing stress. Dr. Gero has assisted many clients, including; NASA, Amgen, General Motors, Sheraton Hotels, Burger King, The Department of the Army, Dole Foods, World Safety Organization, The Heart Association, Hughes Aircraft and Blue Shield.


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